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Haldanes Law Matters – Episode 17 With Guest Patrick Yeung

It may not at first be obvious what music, aviation, Hong Kong’s future and Puccini have in common with a major novel like “Gone With The Wind,” but bear with us as Jonathan Midgley speaks with Patrick Yeung, CEO of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, in the latest episode of “Haldanes’ Law Matters.”

In a long, and by any definition, spectacularly successful career at Swire, Patrick brings his years of solid commercial and operational experience across Asia to bear as he discusses the future for Hong Kong as it goes through “very challenging times.”

From revitalizing the economy by supporting SMEs and applying technology to transform business, to property, stocks, Hong Kong’s basic DNA, Chinese culture, a love of music, recitals, and Puccini, there’s more content in this episode than in a major novel (although, probably less romance and fewer plantations.)

You can listen to it on Spotify or here

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