Haldanes Partner Felix Ng speaks about Crypto and Fintech Crime at the New York State Bar Association Global Conference 2024

Haldanes Criminal Defence Partner and Head of Antitrust and Competition Law, Felix Ng, was invited to speak at the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) Global Conference 2024 on “Digital Assets – Crimes and Regulations in Asia-Pacific” in Seoul, South Korea.

The conference was held at Hanyang University, the very first engineering and technology institute in South Korea, making it the perfect forum for over 200 global delegates to discuss a range of pressing issues including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cryptocurrency, fintech and other trending topics in the legal industry.

Keynote speaker, US Securities and Futures Commissioner Ms. Hester Peirce, set the scene by emphasizing the importance of regulating and enforcing crypto practices without unduly hampering innovation.

Following her address, Felix joined a panel alongside Judge Seongin Kim of Changwon District Court and other practitioners from both the US and Korea to examine recent developments in fintech regulation, digital asset crimes and money laundering in the US, Korea, China, Hong Kong and other APAC jurisdictions.
These issues were also assessed in light of the latest “Report and Recommendations of NYSBA Task Force on Emerging Digital Finance and Currency“.
For details of the conference, please visit: https://nysba.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/INT_Seoul-Global-Conference_Brochure_PRINT-compressed.pdf
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