Felix Ng continues his contributions to the Ukrainian Bar Association

Our Criminal Defence partner and Head of Antitrust and Competition Felix Ng continues his contributions to the activities of the Ukrainian Bar Association (UBA) as its international member for another year. In addition to participating in round-table discussions organised by the UBA in the International Bar Association (IBA) annual conference in Paris in October 2023, Felix provided sponsorship to the war-affected lawyers in Ukraine and those young practitioners in need.
UBA’s interview with Felix has been published in English and Ukrainian – please click here.
During the interview, Felix discussed his international criminal law training in Turin and the Hague, and his immense interest about war crimes, crimes against humanity and international humanitarian law issues, which was partially triggered by the tragic Bosnian War in the 1990’s and the ensuing humanitarian crisis.
UBA is the largest non-governmental, non-profit organisation which unites lawyers from all areas of the legal profession in Ukraine, consisting of 7,000 members and 23 regional offices all over the world.
For details of Felix’s practices and professional experience, please click here