Doyle’s Guide 2023 – Leading Family & Divorce Law Firm – Hong Kong (First Tier)

With the stewardship of the Head of our Family Law team, Elsie Liu, Haldanes’ Family & Matrimonial Law team has once again received recognition from their peers for their exceptional work in the Doyle’s Guide 2023.
We are honoured to be acknowledged as being in the First Tier of Family & Divorce Law Firms in HongKong.
We offer our congratulations to Elsie for being recognised in the category “Leading Family & Divorce Lawyers – Hong Kong” as “Preeminent” for the fourth year in a row and as a “Leading Family Law Mediator” for the fifth year in a row.

Our Partner, Elaine Sum, who joined us in August 2022 was designated as a “Recommended” family and divorce lawyer alongside with our Consultant, Nicholas Hemens. We are also pleased to see that our Associate, Shirley Chan, is a “Rising Star” in the field for the second year.

This recognition for our lawyers is the result of the hard work of the Matrimonial Team and the unwavering support from our clients and professionals across the family and divorce law field.